Monday, June 21, 2010

It has been a little over a week since we stepped foot on American soil again.

No matter where we are in the world whether it be a beautifully bricked home on the mountainside,a ball field, a crammed slum in Kenya, the Capitol of the United States, the Peanut Capital of the World, a summer camp,a hard day in an office, an airplane, a late night working at the diner, an Italian palace, or a Western wilderness...

whether it be a season of revenue, health,harvest, sickness, debt, confusion, answers, death, divorce, excitement, learning, adventure, relaxation, stress, victory, adversity, or just simplicity he is there. I know this because He promises to give us a hope and a future and I saw that hope in the African people.

Auburn is taking over the world this summer!

"Look among the nations and see, wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told." Habakuk 1:5

Here's to my friends all over the map right now (Italy, Paris, England, Vail Colorado, Washington DC,Hawaii, Huntsville, Honduras, JH Ranch, Atlanta, Winn Shape, Jackson Hole, Auburn, New Hampshire, Tuscaloosa,Florida's 30-A,Dothan, Montgomery, Ireland, Australia, China, and Kanakuk to name a few).

I miss Africa. I miss my teammates and the people there. I miss the songs and the smiles and yes... even the strange toilets. I miss their simplicity and I miss this enthusiasm.

After returning it is amazing and disgusting how much I value (still) things that really don't matter.

I need wisdom of what to do next. How to help and love these people who welcomed me into their country to experience their hopes, dreams, and ambitions in the midst of extreme poverty and despair.

I don't want Africa to be a "mission trip."

Honestly.. I don't like that term anymore.

I want it to be the way that I live and the way that I think. I don't want to love on people for two weeks and then peace out. I feel called to Africa. Whether that means going, sending, living, praying, paying, or sharing I don't know yet.

They've got "soul" and I want to be a part of it!

I do know my heart is there even if I never get to physically go back. As far as we're concerned we're still there dancing with them!

my American Lit and Accounting grades right now reflect that my brain is still in another continent.

I want my life to be the mission instead of a quick getaway. Selfishly I find part of myself wishing I could go to Anthropologie or buy some cool antique furniture and the other half of me is disgusted with the American way of life. Contradicting, eh?

Please keep praying for these people and for our hearts here to melt more and more. I was asked to speak at my grandparent's church on Sunday:

A- public speaking
B- I am not really good at talking the "church" lingo cause it kinda gets on my nerves
C- I want to keep it real and be real.

May the words that leave my mouth on Sunday be yours and not mine! May the pictures, stories, and prayers bring you glory and bring hope to the "least of these."

If you would like to learn more about Mocha Club, African Leadership, or how to donate to my trip or these organizations feel free to contact me.

I am at work right now and I love my job! It is awesome to experience what I might be doing once I graduate. We are doing a few renovations right now that are "off da chain". I am so thankful for this opportunity and I enjoy the people I get to experience. It is interesting to go from slum to elaborate kitchens with mahogany and copper! Culture shock? Yes. But...

We are ALL the same.


Anonymous said...

I love this post and I love you, Lauren. Please tell me you are coming to Nashville in August!!!! - Your brother, Bill

Anonymous said...

I love you!! I miss your gigantic heart and crazy dancing. I love how you took so much more back with you than you'll ever know. Keep spreading the word! God shines so brightly through you and I am so inspired by your amazing faith! said EH in your post. Just sayin ;) I miss you tons!!


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